The terminologies shelf life defines the period of time during which the food product will remain safe; be certain to retain its desired sensory, chemical, physical, microbiological, and functional characteristics; where appropriate, comply with any label declaration of nutrition data, when stored under the recommended conditions.” Both food safety and quality are important aspects of acceptable shelf life. The shelf life of a product must be represent by reputable data in order to meet the requirements of regulatory and clients. Sadguru Research & Analysis Laboratory   delivers the highest levels of analytical quality and service in shelf life & stability study across a variety of product types.



  • Organoleptic

(Colour, Texture, Aroma, Taste, Flavour, Odor, Appearance)

  • Label claim

(Degradation of vitamins, Active ingredients, other unstable compounds, Loss or gain of moisture)

  • Rancidity
  • Water Activity
  • pH
  • Microbiological

Specific Condition

  • Accelerated : 40ºC / 75% RH
  • Tropical :  30ºC / 75% RH
  • Intermediate:  30ºC / 65% RH
  • Ambient:  25ºC / 60% RH
  • Refrigerated: 2 – 8  ºC
  • Frozen:  -18ºC





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