Liquid, Gaseous and Solid fuels are the main source of energy. With the increasing awareness of stringent environment laws there is a greater need to test the materials to control the quality. This quality control is important in automobile and power sectors. Besides, these fuels have to be evaluated from the view point of pollution control.


Liquid Fuels :  Diesel ( HSD & LDO)  , Bio diesel , Petrol ,  Kerosene, Transformer oil , Furnace oil ,  Engine oil , Turbine oil , Hydraulic oil ,  Quenching oil , Cutting oil ,ATF, RPO, Antifreeze Coolant, FRHF


Solid Fuels:  Coal, Coke, Baggase , Rice Husk, Paddy Husk, Saw Dust


Lubricants, Waxes & Jellies: Lube oil, Grease


Bitumen & Related Materials: Bitumen, CRMB, PMB, Antistripping Agent, Charcoal, Activated Carbon, Carbon Black



Viscosity  & Viscosity Index Air Release Value
Pour point Cloud point
Flash  & Fire point Reid Vapour Pressure
Acidity / Total Acid Number Interfacial tension
Foaming tendency / Stability Flash point (PMCC)
Seal compatibility Pour point
Ash content Four Ball test
Demulsibility Freezing point
Conradson Carbon Residue Refractive index
Rust preventive characteristics Distillation range
Saponification value Aniline Point
Oxidation stability Electric strength (BDV)
Copper  strip corrosion Foaming stability
Emulsion characteristics Reserved alkalinity
Total Base Number Penetration
Trace/ Wear / Additive metals Softening point
Ramsbottome Carbon Residue Thin film oven test
Evaporation loss Ductility
Density Paraffin wax content
Aniline Point Frass breaking point
Sediments Loss on heating (TFOT)
Water / Moisture content Particle charge
ASTM Color Froathing characteristics
Thermal stability Cold filter Plugging point
Froathing Caking Index
Volatile matter Sieve Analysis/ Particle Size
Carbon residue Bulk Density
Dielectric dissipation factor Chemical composition of Ash
Specific resistance Gross Calorific Value
Oxidation stability Net Calorific Value
S K value Useful Heat Value
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) Ash Fusion Temperature
Furan Analysis Drop Point
Smoke point Equilibrated Moisture
Burning quality Hard Groove Griandibility Index
Aviation fuel resistance Reid vapour pressure
Calculated Cetane index Swelling Number
Pour point Matter in soluble in TCE
Congealing point Thin Film Oven Test
Proximate Analysis Ultimate Analysis


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