Before a textile material or a product is put into market for consumer application, it needs to be checked and evaluated for its quality, reliability and performance. The properties of the material are checked on different stages of its production and practice under various conditions.


Routine process testing and quality record testing constitute the different classes of the testing that is carried out on a textile material or a finished good. Textile testing frames an essential part textile production and distribution.


With reference to the ever-growing consumer demands and complying with the stringent government rules & regulations, SRAL helps your products satisfy the entire requirement and helps maintain their quality and performance and minimize the risk associated with the material and secure the interest of consumer and manufacturer as well.


Types of Textile testing


Fibre test: identification of fibre length, elongation and strength, etc.

Yarn test: yarn count, strength, appearance, twist per unit length, etc.

Fabric test: thermal properties, air permeability, thickness, shrinkage, stiffness, elongation, width, crease

resistance, number of ends and picks per unit length, weight of fabric per unit length, etc


Product Test





Luggage & Handbags

Different types of paper



Mechanical Test


Tensile strength & elongation

Tear strength

Dry & Wet Rubbing

Bursting strength

Breaking Strengthe


Physical Test


Linear density

Diameter of fibre

Ends per inch


Chemical Test


Solvent extractable matter

Fibre identification

Moisture content

Dye identification

Moisture content

Dye identification

Colour fastness test

pH vale of water extract








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