Noise can be defined as any unwanted sound. Noise from road, rail and air traffic, industries, construction and public work is considered as the main sources of environmental noise. As Per schedule III of The Factories Act 1948, “Noise induced hearing loss (exposure to high noise levels)” is occupational disease due to exposure in high noise in work environment. In India there are many regulations to regulate the noise level eg, EPA 1986, The Factories Act 1948 and BOCW Act 1996.

Proper illumination and ventilation are also two key factors for the safety and good health of the workers or employees.

Measuring noise, illumination & air exchange rateare the most important part of a workplace hearing conservation, proper lighting and well ventilation program. It helps to identify the work locations where noise, illumination or ventilation problems are existed and provide primary data for engineering or administrative control.



  • Ambient Noise
  • Source Noise
  • Leq, L50, L90 etc
  • Lday, Lnight
  • DG Noise
  • Noise Mapping
  • Incretion loss
  • Illumination
  • Air Exchange rate





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