Soil testing is an important diagnostic tool for determining the nutrient needs for plants and for environmental assessments. Some soils are inherently deficient in plant nutrients. Other soils had sufficient levels of nutrients in the past, but removal with crop harvest has depleted the reserves. Thus, soil testing is widely accepted and used in most advanced crop-production areas in India to determine fertilization needs for crops. For that Govt of India introduces the scheme of “SOIL HEALTH CARD” programme in each and every state to evaluate the agricultural soil health and recommends for fertilizer use and crop suitability to the farmers.

So it is very useful tool to determine economically optimum nutrient application rates, and use of soil testing for agricultural assessments.



  • Bulk density
  • Specific Gravity
  • Porosity
  • Water Holding Capacity Moisture
  • Texture
  • pH
  • Available & Total Minerals Available & Total macro & Micro nutrients
  • Heavy metals & Trace elements
  • Total & available nitrogen
  • Primary nutrient
  • Secondary nutrient
  • Essential minerals


  • Toxic heavy Metals






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