Drinking water, also known as potable water, is water that is safe to drink or to use for food preparation. Harmful bacteria, parasites, and viruses are invisible to the naked eye, so water which looks and tastes good may not necessarily be safe to drink.

In our country the source of drinking water is “Ground water” and or “Surface Water”. Primarily the water collected from ground water or surface water (river or lake) water and filter followed by public distribution. The Burro of Indian Standard proposed the different specification for the safe consumption of water by the community.

Industries also uptake “Ground water or Surface Water” as raw water and use in their process. During the process the water gets contaminated. The contaminated water called waste water which is again reused or discharge to the surface water after treatment (Through ETP/STP). The EPA act 1986 has specific requirements concerning discharge water quality. Water must be free from harmful contaminants, such as bacteria, heavy metals and pesticides, chemicals to protect the environment and ensure public safety.

So the only way to ensure the quality of water is by tested from a competent laboratory. We are offering water testing as per IS 10500, IS 14543, APHA, FSSAI, WHO and EPA Act 1986 to our valued customer by our competent team of scientists, robotic and ultra-modern instruments and online laboratory management system. Our testing services include:


Service we provide in packaging material testing are

  • Drinking water
  • Groundwater
  • Surface water
  • Wastewater



  • Physical & Chemical
  • Metals
  • Inorganic Non-metallic Constituents
  • Organic Constituents
  • VOCs
  • PCBs
  • PAHs
  • Pesticides
  • Trihalomethanes




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